Only the Beginning
So, why am I here? What is my purpose? Wow, that's some deep shit right there. I kinda feel like Christian Slater in "Pump Up the Volume." Sending out my message, having no idea if anyone is out there listening. Reaching out, hoping to make a connection. Isn't that all any of us are looking for?
I've been grappling with my life purpose recently, trying to find some meaning to it all. I've come to a point in my life where I feel I need to finally express who I really am and no longer conform to societal standards. But how does one do that? For me it began with colouring my hair a lovely shade of purple and now starting these writings.
This will not be one of those "just be positive" blogs. While I'm sure they help a some people, they just don't do it for me. I find them too simplistic and while I'm sure they come from a good place and good intentions, I find they also tend to come from a place of privilege.
All I am hoping for is to touch, teach, and inspire.